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Used coastal rowing boats for sale


If you are looking for a used or ex-demo coastal rowing boat, please see below the coastal rowing boats that are currently available for sale.

Some of the pictures are not the actual boats, as we like to show boats on the water. All prices assume collection from the Coastal Rowing Centre, Dorset, unless it is located elsewhere. Delivery can be arranged.

Boat prices do not include sculls or other accessories unless specified – prices available on demand. Where we are advertising a used boat on behalf of a customer, we take no responsibility for the condition of the boat and the claims made in the advertisement, as the boat will not have been seen by us.

To advertise a boat for sale on this page costs £125 + VAT = £150 per boat.

If you would like further details on the boats, would like to advertise, or require any advice, please contact


Virus – used coastal rowing boat – Cheshire


The Virus is ideal for lakes, rivers and coastal waters – in good condition.

Great for all abilities – can be rowed by one or two people (convert in just 5 minutes) – a training boat and great for recreational use.

The boat is white, roto-moulded polyethylene, 4.5m long, 1m wide and weighs 70kg – sliding seats.

Comes with two pairs of sculling blades, a launching trolley, which pulls conveniently onto a road trailer – all included.

Delivery/collection to be discussed with the owner.

For further information and an introduction to the owner please email

Price  £3,500


LiteSport 2X – double scull – USED
Suitable for rivers, lakes and moderate coastal waters

The LiteSport 2X is a very versatile double that can easily be put on top of a car, by two people ready for a trip to the coast, lake or river.

This LiteSport 2X has a white deck and blue hull, is fibreglass construction. It is 5.8m long and nice and stable being 1m wide.

Includes two wing riggers, two foam seats, flex straps on footplates, two storage hatches and a storage net.

Launch trolley included. Sculls not included.

Assumes collection from the owner who lives in the Maidenhead area. One owner since new (2019)

For further information and an introduction to the owner please email

Price  £4,250 – SOLD


LiteSport 1X – used single for sale – Plymouth

This all white LiteSport 1X is suitable for rowers up to 110kg. Suitable for calm to moderately choppy waters, if you have the rowing skills.

It is 4.5m long, 0.9m wide and weighs circa 32kg and comes with a quick release rigger, foam seat, flex feet on the footplate, storage net.

Pair of sculls included.

One owner since new (2020) – owner says the boat is in excellent condition.

For further information and an introduction to the owner please email

Price  £3,625  – SOLD




LiteSport 1X – used coastal/river single – Worthing

LiteSport 1X – ideal for lakes, rivers and moderate coastal waters.

This boat is all white, carbon construction, 5m long, 0.7m wide. Weighs c27kg rigged and only c24kg without quick release rigger.

Carbon seat, flex straps, storage hatch and storage net.

Sculls available in addition £300

Delivery/Collection to be discussed with the owner.

For further information and an introduction to the owner please email

Price  £3,650 – SOLD



LiteRace 1X – used Coastal Single – Dorset

LiteRace 1X is a FISA approved coastal rowing racing boat. Great to row in both calm and choppy conditions, whether you are competing or just ‘going for a row’.

White hull, white deck, carbon/fibreglass mix. 6m long, 0.75m wide. circa 35kg.

Quick release rigger, carbon seat, shoes, storage net, storage hatch.

Sculls available for additional £250

Delivery/Collection to be discussed with vendor.

For further information and an introduction to the owner please email

Price  £3,500 – SOLD


LiteRace 1X – used Coastal Single – Dundee

LiteRace 1X is a FISA approved coastal rowing racing boat. Great to row in both calm and choppy conditions, whether you are competing or just ‘going for a row’.

White hull, white deck, carbon/fibreglass mix.  6m long, 0.75m wide. circa 35kg.

Quick release rigger, carbon seat, flex feet, storage net, storage hatch.

Boat in good condition – few scratches – more pictures available from vendor.

Concept 2 sculls available £300 extra.

Delivery around UK possible – max £500 subject to destination

For further information and an introduction to the owner please email

Price  £3,700  – SOLD

LiteBoat Duo – double scull – Ex-Demo
Suitable for rivers, lakes and moderate coastal waters

Row for Life - Coastal Rowing Centre - Coastal Rowing Boats - slider5

Duo – all white, carbon/fibreglass construction. 6.5m long, 0.8m wide. This boat is only 43kg.

Includes wing riggers, carbon seats, flex straps, three storage hatches and storage net.

Excludes sculls. Assumes collection from Studland.

Price  £4,999 + VAT (£5,999)  – SOLD


LiteSport+ – used single for sale
Currently in Lake District

This all white LiteSport + is suitable for rowers up to 75kg.

It is 4.5m long, 0.75m wide and weighs circa 27kg and comes with a quick release rigger, foam seat, flex feet on the footplate and a pair of sculls

One owner since new (2019) – owner says the boat is in excellent condition.

For further information and an introduction to the owner please email

Price  £2,750 – SOLD



LiteSport 1X – used single for sale
Currently in Emsworth, Hampshire

This LiteSport 1X (2016 model) comes with a white deck and blue hull, is suitable for rowers up to 100kg.

Ideal for those looking for a good stable rowing boat.

It is 4.5m long, 0.93m wide and weighs circa 30kg with the quick release rigger, foam seat and flex feet on the footplate.  Also comes with a pair of carbon sculls, C-Tug launch trolley and boat cover.

One owner since new (2016) – owner says the boat is in very good condition (few minor scratches on the hull).

For further information and an introduction to the owner please email

Price  £2,150 – SOLD

LiteRace 1X – used Coastal Single

Row for Life - Coastal Rowing Centre - SinglesLiteRace 1X is a FISA approved coastal rowing racing boat. White hull, white deck, carbon/fibreglass mix.

Great to row in both calm and choppy conditions, whether you are competing or just ‘going for a row’.
6m long, 0.75m wide. circa 35kg.

Quick release rigger, carbon seat, flex feet, storage net, storage hatch.

Sculls and delivery in addition if required.

Price  £3,750 + VAT (£4,500) – SOLD

LiteSport 1X – used coastal or river singles

LiteSport 1X – all white, carbon construction, 5m long, 0.7m wide.  This carbon boat weighs c27kg rigged and only c24kg without quick release rigger.

Carbon or foam seat, flex straps, storage hatch and storage net.

Sculls and delivery in addition if required.

Boat 1 Price  £3,250 + VAT (£3,900) – SOLD

Boat 2 Price  £3,500 + VAT (£4,200) – SOLD


LiteRace 2X – used double

Row for Life - Coastal Rowing Centre - Coastal Rowing Boats - slider5LiteRace 2X – all white, carbon/fibreglass construction. 7.5m long, 1m wide. weighs 60kg.

Includes paddle riggers, carbon seats, flex straps or shoes, two storage hatches and storage net.

Sculls and delivery in addition if required.

Price  £6,600 + VAT (£7,920) – SOLD

To find out more about our used coastal rowing boats for sale please email: or call 01305 257 774.