If you are interested in coastal rowing and want to know more about:
- coastal rowing lessons and outings at the Coastal Rowing Centre
- training and competing with the Coastal Barbarians Rowing Club
- supporting mixed ability coastal rowing
- competing in the Coastal Rowing League
- buying a new or used coastal rowing boat
Email: bob@coastalrowing.co.uk
Telephone: 01305 257 774
If you have booked a row, come to:
The Coastal Rowing Centre, (in the boat park), Knoll Beach, Studland, Dorset BH19 3AH
And the office address for Coastal Rowing Centre Ltd and Coastal Barbarians Rowing Club CIC is:
Hill View, Sunnyside, West Lulworth, Dorset BH20 5RT
PLEASE DO NOT COME TO THIS ADDRESS TO ROW – no boats, no sea, no fun.